Sustrans lobbies Government with ‘Motion for Women’ petition

‘Women don’t feel roads are safe enough for cycling’

Safety concerns are among the biggest obstacles to British women cycling, according to Sustrans.

The sustainable transport charity is lobbying the Governments with its recently launched ‘Motion for Women’ petition. Sustrans is calling on women to make their voices heard to encourage action to make cyclists safer.

The petition – found at will be open for 90 days from Tuesday September 1st.

Women believe that the creation of more cycle lanes separated from all other vehicles will encourage more women to cycle, according to a Sustrans poll.

Sustrans’ communications director Melissa Henry said: “Women are telling us in no uncertain terms that they don’t feel the roads are safe enough for them to cycle on. Their response so far to the woefully inadequate provisions for cyclists in Britain has been simple; they don’t cycle. In fact, 79 per cent of women do not cycle at all.”

“But, women are also telling us that they desperately want that situation to change. The desire to cycle, and to enjoy all the benefits that cycling brings, is becoming a priority for women. We need to make it a priority for governments too and push for real changes in the way our villages, towns and cities are planned. Now women have 90 days to register their support so we can ensure their voices are heard across Britain.”

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